Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dreamweaver Website

Dreamweaver Website:

The scope of this project was to create a simple website using basic code within Adobe Dreamweaver. When making this, we followed directions with a little of our own creative flow. We followed directions not because we didn't want to be original, but because we didn't know how to use the program or how to create a good website. As I went I learned that in Dreamweaver you can use two different windows to view and edit your website. I also learned that in coding there will be different tags to classify certain things.

Next time I hope to change the color scheme, add more links, and add more information. I would do this to add detail to my website and make it worth visiting. The things I want to keep would be the copyright at the bottom of the page and the changes in how links are colored. I would do this because it makes the website more dynamic. I hope that next time I remember all the different tags such as heading and paragraph. In the end I enjoyed viewing the final product and seeing my working links.

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