Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Pencil Designs

 Pencil Designs

    While creating these designs I was looking at the instructions extremely closely at first. I needed the directions in order to make these pencils and the cases. I then evolved and my memory and creative process allowed for me to create the color scheme and paper design seen in the second image. My design process then combined fully with my creative aspects in order to create the guitar case and amplifier. I had to think hard for something to accompany the guitar case.
    I knew that making these designs would help me to learn things and improve as a graphic designer. Starting at the cup and pencil with written and in depth directions, then moving to a personal pencil, and finishing with something completely different that applies these skills was the way learning should always be, start with directions and slowly apply it until you are doing it with something that is a 180 degree flip from the directions.

    There were many things I learned from this project that I will most definitely apply to my future works. I will only be explaining a few of these skills. One thing I learned was a helpful keyboard shortcut, command+d, that redoes what was previously done to the selected item. This is helpful when one is trying to make perfectly spaced and duplicated
items. Another thing I learned from this project was how to make something that isn't a single shape filled. This uses the live paint tool. The third and final thing I learned from this project was that shading different portions of objects and even applying gradients to a drop shadow helps to add more dimension to the object and the entire design.

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