Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pensacola News Journal Article Review

   This article was about how a Florida newspaper became profitable after going through lay-offs and restructuring its entire process. The newspaper has changed from doing stories only about "bureaucratic bungling" to doing explanatory articles about things that matter in the community.

   The author argues that the Pensacola News Journal is becoming a more profitable and enjoyable place to work. The evidence given are mostly quotes from people that help run the newspaper or gather stories to supply the newspaper. The article is strong when talking about how the business has soared after almost failing, but is weak when analyzed to see that many workers lost jobs and raised unemployment for the sake of the paper. The author concludes that giving writers freedom in the newsroom helps to make the papers profitable and enjoyable.

   The author did a splendid job of supporting her main point and gave significant evidence for them. Although, some statistics could have been added to show how the newsroom had improved. As a videographer one could get shots within the newsroom to show how the morale had been boosted by the changes intermixed with interviews. The article was well written and followed a clear path that helped keep the evidence organized.

    The article itself was not one I would have chosen to read, it just doesn't jump out at me. After reading it though, I found it was an interesting perspective on the current problem newspapers are having. It was intriguing and had good diction. Overall the article did well.

Article: How one Florida paper is doing better work—with a happier newsroom

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